Empowering Women of Nepal

Empowering Women of Nepal (EWN) has been actively conducting the “Girls Leadership Training” (GOAL) program since 2013, targeting underprivileged girls and boys in government schools. The program focuses on fostering leadership qualities and essential life skills such as communication, teamwork, decision-making, and confidence. It promotes gender equality and encourages girls to engage in sports. With over 2000 beneficiaries reached through GOAL training and camps, EWN’s efforts have made a significant impact in empowering the youth of Nepal.

In the current year (2022-2023), with funding from the Cottier Donze Foundation, we reached 85 participants from Ram Basic School and Shree Laxmi Secondary School in Pokhara. These schools were chosen based on need and commitment. Pre-assessments, regular evaluations, and module quizzes were conducted to track progress and understanding.

The module ended successfully, with students enjoying the curriculum and interactive methods. “Peer Pressure” was a hit, helping them make better choices and understand their life goals. Girls engaged actively in sports and learning, desiring more playtime. “Our Positive Qualities” resonated well, emphasizing traits like confidence and kindness. They also learned about stress relief, substance abuse, saving plans about money and the significance of healthy relationships. The importance of teamwork, communication, and community support was highlighted, along with understanding needs and wants.

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